Share Your 3S Artspace Memories Here!
Cheers to 10 years of staying curious, fostering empathy, and fueling creativity!
In 2025, we are celebrating ten years of 3S Artspace! For ten years, we have been dedicated to being a home for emerging artists to showcase their work, take the stage, and bring the community together.
To celebrate all of our successes, we want to hear from you! We invite you to share your 3S memories from these past ten years using the form below. We want to know the story of your first time attending Project Upcycle, the night you left a concert where you were so close to your musical idol you couldn’t stop smiling about it on the way home, the afternoon when the sun was streaming in through the Gallery windows onto a piece of art that moved you. We want to know how when you think of your wedding anniversary, you think of 3S. We want to know what it meant to you to do something out of your comfort zone by taking the stage at Long Story Short or Couch to Mic.
Over the course of our tenth anniversary year, we'll share your memories to look back and see all that we’ve accomplished together, how we’ve grown, and reflect on what art can do when it brings us all together.